Collaborative group
Exploiting the expertise of various simulation experts
and organisations ensures that we are able to offer
high-quality courses and with a great return on
Different centers – Multiple perspectives – Valuable learning
EuSim is an international partnership in which a diversity of knowledge and experience in the care of medical simulation training is provided.
We would like to introduce the people of the EuSim network shortly.
Juan Manuel Fraga (Mexico)

Physician, Educator, Manager
Juan has worked with simulation-based education and research since 2006. Previous to that he used medium and low fidelity simulation since 1993 to train EMTs, Paramedics and First Aid Providers since then he has been interested in measuring outcomes from such training. From 2006 to 2012 Juan Worked in the development of several Sim Centers and Sim Center programs in mexico and Latin America. Juan has translated EUSIM materials to Spanish and has helped organising EUSIM courses in Mexico and other Latin American countries. Actually Juan is developing his own SimCenter with the aim of developing a sim center with low budget but without sacrificing the quality of the resources or the programs.
Sigrun Anna Qvindesland (Norway)

Hospital Coordinator for Simulation, Stavanger University Hospital, Norway
Sigrun is Course Director and Train the trainer Instructor for the Basic Simulation Instructor Courses. She is coördinator of simulation activity for the entire hospital, active on hospital’s Resuscitation Council, MET council, co-developer of ward training with medical and nurse educators.
Carla Sa Couto (Portugal)

Director of the Porto Biomedical Simulation Center, Faculty of Medicine, Porto, Portugal
Carla Sá Couto has been involved in biomedical simulation since 2000. She is the director of the CSB-FMUP and affiliated professor of clinical simulation at the Faculty of Medicine of University of Porto (FMUP). She is an integrated researcher at CINTESIS – Center for Health Technology and Services Research, and is currently serving as chair of SESAM scientific committee (2017-2022). Together with her research and management activities, she is responsible for several curricular units and short hands-on courses using simulation-based training, including instructor courses. Since 2013, she has joined EUSIM faculty, collaborating nationally and internationally in the Level I and Level II Instructor courses and in the TTT-trainer course. She is currently the course director of the Portuguese EUSIM Level I Instructor course.
Pernilla Stenbäck (Finland)
Degree Program Director, Midwifery Degree Program at Arcada University of Applied Sciences
Pernilla works as Degree Program Director and Senior Lecturer of the Midwifery program. Actively involved in simulation since 2012, she has a special interest in simulation within midwifery and ethical perspectives in nursing. Since 2016, Pernilla joined the EUSim Faculty, first as faculty member and later as a Course Director for the Level 1 Course.
Kjetil Torgeirsen (Norway)

Will be updated soon.
Anne-Mette Helsø (Denmark)

Will be updated soon.
Tim Stephens (United Kingdom)

Patient Safety, Simulation and Quality Improvement Specialist
After graduation in 1999 Tim worked in critical care for several years before becoming involved in medical simulation training in 2004. In 2007 he set up a pioneering inter-professional patient safety training program across Barts Health (London), utilising various methods including in-situ simulation training, team training interventions and quality improvement projects. Tim has been part of the EuSim Faculty since 2009. He is currently working towards completion of his PhD in Quality Improvement.
Christoffer Ericsson (Finland)
Degree Program Director, Paramedic Educator and Researcher at Arcada University of Applied Sciences
Christoffer works as Degree Program Director and Senior Lecturer of the Emergency Care program and Director for Arcada Patient Safety and Learning Center. Actively involved in simulation since 2016, he has a special interest in developing understanding of cognitive processes involved in clinical decision making, widening ethical perspectives and developing management forms for mental load in healthcare work. Since 2016, Christoffer joined the EUSim Faculty, first as faculty member and later as a Course Director for the Level 1 Course.
Annika Skogster (Finland)
Senior Lecturer in Nursing, Nursing Degree Program at Arcada University of Applied Sciences
Annika works as a Senior Lecturer in Clinical Care and Medication Administration in the Nursing program. Involved in simulation since 2002, but more actively since 2010. Special interests are clinical care and emergency care. Since 2016, Annika joined the EUSim Faculty as faculty member.
Rob Lichtveld (The Netherlands)

Will be updated soon.
Stefan Gisin (Switzerland)

Medical Director Simulation Basel “SimBa”, Anesthesiologist University Hospital Basel
Stefan was first time immersed into simulation as a “hot seat” back in 1997 at the Swiss Center for Medical Simulation in Basel. Since then he advanced along with his education as anesthesiologist and helicopter rescue physician his skills and abilities as educator and simulation specialist. His special interest focus on teamwork and interprofessional training on a broad field of medical disciplines. He serves as faculty for all levels of international instructor courses with EuSim and PAEDSIM.
Furthermore Stefan is engaged in the ATLS program (National Board Switzerland and Course Director), served as Vice-President for SESAM (Society in Europe for Simulation applied to Medicine) 2013-2018 and is the current President of SASH (Swiss Association for Simulation in Healthcare). In collaboration with Swiss Government Departments and Public Health Organisations he is a consultant in several healthcare education projects in Eastern European countries.
Elizabete Loureiro (Portugal)

Specialist in Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Medicine of University of Porto (FMUP), Portugal
Alongside the coordination of the Student Support Office and Psychological Counselling Unit at FMUP for the past 17 years, Elizabete has also been responsible for several curricular units and short courses in the scope of Clinical Communication, Team-work communication, Delivering of Bad News and Reflective Practice. She is an active collaborator of CSB-FMUP and, since 2017, she joined EUSIM faculty for Level I instructor course. She was the Portuguese National Representative (until 2018) of EACH (International Association of Communication in Healthcare), since 2008 – member of tEACH (subcommittee of EACH that focuses on providing support, resources and sharing of expertise for communication) and integrates the scientific committee (2018-2021) of SESAM.